The AP Statistics exam covers a lot of content, but you do have a resource available to use on the test! You will be provided with a two-sided formula sheet that contains many of the important formulas you’ve learned over the AP course and which may be required to answer questions on the AP exam. The AP Stat formula sheet will be printed at the front of both the multiple-choice and free-response portions of the AP Statistics test. If you are looking for your own copy, make sure you get the most up-to-date version from the College Board website.
The information on the formula sheet is organized into clearly defined topics. The variables are not defined on the formula sheet, so it is important to be familiar with them.
The first page contains three topics:
Part I: Descriptive Statistics contains formulas for one- variable and two- variable statistics.
Part II: Probability and Distributions contains formulas for one -variable and two -variable statistics.
Part III: Sampling Distributions and Inferential Statistics is split into two parts. The first part is on the first page of the formula sheet and contains general formulas, including significance tests (standardized test statistics), confidence intervals, and chi-squared tests.
The second page contains additional topics:
Part III: Sampling Distributions and Inferential Statistics - (2nd half). The second section for Sampling Distributions and Inferential Statistics is on the second page of the formula sheet and contains specific pieces to plug into the general formulas. There are multiple tables of random variables, parameters of the sample distribution, and standard error.
All of the information on the formula sheet is very useful, but there is a lot. You don’t want to waste time during your preparation memorizing the information, but you definitely don’t want to waste time searching for equations during the actual test. Make sure you use the sheet as you study and practice. The more you use it, the quicker it will be to find the information you need to answer relevant questions – and you might find you naturally start to remember some of the information on it!
If there are any equations or variables on the AP Stat formula sheet that you aren’t familiar with, especially as the test date inches closer, make sure to review those topics in advance to make sure you’re ready to use the formulas if needed!
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