
Rehabilitation Services is a very professionally oriented major. If you decide to major in it, you'll become a human services professional who vocationally rehabilitates adults with developmental and physical disabilities.

While Rehabilitation Services has traditionally focused on restoring the well being of individuals who have physical disabilities, the field is growing to encompass a wider array of disabilities. Emotional disabilities, mental retardation, substance abuse, and continued patterns of criminal behavior are a few of the newer branches of Rehabilitation Services.

Entry-level Rehabilitation Services majors can pursue careers in a variety of private and government-subsidized human service agencies. Many students who major in Rehabilitation Services eventually seek master and doctoral degrees.


  • Abnormal Psychology

  • Alcoholism and Drug Abuse

  • Behavior Analysis and Therapy

  • Case Management

  • Field Experience

  • Human Anatomy

  • Internship

  • Medical Aspects of Disability

  • Physiology

  • Principles of Counseling

  • Psychosocial Rehabilitation

  • Research Methods

  • Vocational Rehabilitation

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If you are thinking about majoring in Rehabilitation Services, concentrate your coursework in the basic sciences. Take biology, chemistry, and physics courses. Take lots of math, too. It's a really good idea to try to gain some experience (by volunteering or working) at real, live rehabilitation services centers. It's good experience, and they'll appreciate having you. Such experience will also look great on your resume.