
This major sounds more dangerous than it actually is. There are no whips or cages, no herding of animals, and a degree in it isn’t a guarantee you’ll appear on Animal Kingdom.

Wildlife Management, despite what it sounds like, is a science, full of biology and ecology courses designed to help you learn how to find and address problems concerning animal life. Questions and problems surrounding the scarcity of resources, endangerment, and preservation of natural habitats are all dealt with and managed by Wildlife Management specialists.

Wildlife Management involves a lot of direct, hands-on experience in the field. Protecting endangered animals is difficult work, and as a major you will have the opportunity to experience just how difficult as you enter the field from both an academic and hands on approach. Whether it’s ensuring the continued survival of the bald eagle, or working with corporations to better manage environmental resources, Wildlife Management majors can play an essential role in preserving and protecting our natural environment.


  • Biological Sciences

  • Biological Sciences

  • Calculus and Analytical Geometry

  • General Chemistry

  • Introduction to Ecology

  • Introduction to Environmental Science

  • Natural Resource Management

  • Natural Resource Policy

  • Principles of Wildlife Management

  • Society and Natural Resources

  • Soil Science

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If you’re interested in majoring in Wildlife Management, it’s important to have a strong background in the sciences, particularly physics, chemistry, and biology, as well as strong written and oral communications skill.