
See what students say:


Offering “more academic programs per dollar than any other university in the state,” the University at Buffalo (UB for short) “is about choices. You can choose many different…combinations of academics and social activities with the support in place.” Students brag that UB’s “programs are all of the highest quality, translating [into] a best-value education for students.” The School of Engineering and Applied Sciences in particular “is well respected” and “works with corporate partners in a variety of ways that range from joint-research ventures to continuing education to co-op work arrangements for our stu­dents.” Other stand-out offerings include pharmacy, physical therapy, a popu­lar business and management school “that is ranked highly,” “a solid under-grad and grad architecture program,” and “one of the top nursing programs in the state.” Of course, a school with this much to offer is bound to be large, making it “easy not to attend class and fall through the cracks, so one must be self-motivated to do well.” Administrative tasks are occasionally Kafkaesque, with “a lot of red tape to go through to get anything done. I feel like a pebble being kicked around when trying to get support or services,” notes one stu­dent. Many students point out that support services and contact with profes­sors improves during junior and senior years when students are pursuing their majors and forging stronger relationships within their departments.

Student Body

Because of UB’s size, “You can find just about every kind of person there is here. Everyone has a place in this large and diverse student population.” As one student notes, “Although the typical student is of traditional college age, there really isn’t a ‘typical’ student—the student body is very diverse in terms of religion, ethnicity, nationality, age, gender, and orientation. ‘Atypical’ students fit in well because of the diversity of the student population.” Another student adds, “There are a lot of foreign and minority students, to the point that the actual ‘majority’ is the minority here at UB.” Geographically, UB draws “from urban areas, rural areas, NYC, Long Island, and most every country in the world.” Because UB is a state school, “a lot of the students are from New York State, but with differing areas of the state, there are many different types of students.”

Campus Life

UB is divided into three campuses. Traditionally, South Campus in Northeast Buffalo has been where “the parties are,” though students say that “it’s much less safe than North Campus,” which is located in the suburban enclave of Amherst. The school also has a downtown campus but with no residence halls. The recent closing of several bars near South Campus has made it less of a party destination than it was in years past; these days many students report going to downtown Buffalo “to go clubbing.” Students living on North Campus describe it as “its own little city. We have food services, our own bus system, a highway, even our own zip codes. If you know how to play, North Campus is just as much fun as Main Street [which runs by South Campus]; you just need to know where to go.” The North Campus, which features “a lake and a nice bike path for when you want to escape from the hectic [atmo­sphere]” of academic life, is the more populous of the two; the intercampus bus system is “convenient,” although a car is preferred. Students tell us that “between all of the clubs and organizations, the Office of Student Life, athlet­ics, and the Student Association, there is always something to do” on campus. The school’s Division I sports teams “are a big hit around here. Even if we are the worst in the division, we still cheer hard and go crazy for our guys and girls.” Those who explore Buffalo extol its “amazing art and music scene.”

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Contact & Visit

Campus Visits Contact

Ebony Dixon
Director of Admissions

Office of Admissions
12 Capen Hall
Buffalo, NY 14260



Experience College Life

Most Popular Places On Campus
Center for the Arts
Alumni Arena and Athletic Stadium
Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
Apartment style student housing
The Commons (on-campus shopping)

Most Popular Places Off Campus
Major League Sports
Shea's Theater
Niagara Falls
Albright-Knox Art Gallery
Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra

Campus Tours

Campus Visiting Center

Campus Tours
Appointment Required: Yes
Dates: Year-round
Times: Mon-Fri and selected Sats
Average Length: Varies

On Campus Interview

Campus Interviews

Information Sessions

part of "Visit UB" program

Faculty and Coach Visits

Dates/Times Available

Contact Coach Directly

Class Visits

Dates/Times Available

Contact Admissions Office

Overnight Dorm Stays

Overnight Dorm Stays
Not Available



Types of Transportation Available to Campus
Greater Buffalo International Airport is 20 minutes from campus. Taxis and buses are available for the trip from airport to campus. The taxis can be picked up at the airport; for bus departure times and routes call 800-231-2222. Amtrak trains and Greyhound buses provide service to Buffalo.

Driving Instructions to Campus
To reach North Campus from the New York State Thruway (I-90), take Exit 50 to I-290 (Youngmann Memorial Hwy.). Take I-290 west to Exit 4 (I-990 North) and follow signs for State University (exit 1). Exit 1 will bring you to the Audubon Pkwy. Make the first U-turn (just before the traffic light), then get into the right lane. Turn right at the first exit (White Rd.). The Fronczak Lot (long-term parking, accessed through the Governors A Lot) and Hamilton Loop (short-term parking) will be on your right. The South Campus is located at the corner of State Routes 5 (Main St.) and 62 (Bailey Ave.). From the New York State Thruway (I-90), take Exit 50 to I-290, then Rte. 5 west, to Rte. 62. Available online at Web: www.buffalo.edu.

Local Accommodations
University at Buffalo has 3 campuses: North, South and Downtown. The admissions office and the majority of undergraduate academic departments are on the North Campus. The South Campus houses the School of Architecture and Planning, the School of Public Health and Health Professions, Nursing, and the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. The Downtown campus is home to the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences and the New York State Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics and Life Sciences. Because Buffalo is the second-largest city in the state, there are many nationally affiliated hotels and motels in the metropolitan area. Area maps and a list of accommodations and restaurants are available on our website at: www.buffalo.edu.
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Applicants: 40,831
Acceptance Rate: 74%
Average HS GPA: 3.70



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