The Princeton Review helps over 5,000 students with their homework every school night. Get the help you need
from our experienced tutors in 80+ subjects.

  • Over 14 million homework sessions conducted to date
  • 96% of our students report better grades, higher confidence and increased homework completion*
  • 96% of our students would recommend our services to a friend*


Best option for students who need regular tutoring every month to tackle tough homework assignments or prepare for a big test

1 Hour/Month

  • Tutors available 24/7
  • On demand sessions
  • Access on mobile, tablet or desktop
  • Expert help in 80+ subjects
  • Change/cancel anytime

$39.99 Per Month


3 Hours/Month

  • Tutors available 24/7
  • On demand sessions
  • Access on mobile, tablet or desktop
  • Expert help in 80+ subjects
  • Change/cancel anytime
  • Better grades guaranteed

$114.99 Per Month


5 Hours/Month

  • Tutors available 24/7
  • On demand sessions
  • Access on mobile, tablet or desktop
  • Expert help in 80+ subjects
  • Change/cancel anytime
  • Better grades guaranteed

$179.99 Per Month


Need more options? View all plans.


Best option for students who prefer more flexibility to allocate tutoring hours within a longer access period

10 Hours/6 Months

  • Tutors available 24/7
  • On demand sessions
  • Access on mobile, tablet or desktop
  • Expert help in 80+ subjects
  • Change/cancel anytime
  • Better grades guaranteed


(One-time, $35/hr)


30 Hours/6 Months

  • Tutors available 24/7
  • On demand sessions
  • Access on mobile, tablet or desktop
  • Expert help in 80+ subjects
  • Change/cancel anytime
  • Better grades guaranteed


(One-time, $32/hr)


Best Value

50 Hours/6 Months

  • Tutors available 24/7
  • On demand sessions
  • Access on mobile, tablet or desktop
  • Expert help in 80+ subjects
  • Change/cancel anytime
  • Better grades guaranteed


(One-time, $29/hr)


*Based on 2016 survey of Princeton Review/ students. †Better grades are guaranteed for students who work with a tutor for 2 hours a month for 3 consecutive months in one subject. Additional restrictions apply. Visit for full details.